Sue Gifford

Spatial Reasoning and Problem Solving

Session Overview

Not all mathematical reasoning is verbal: spatial thinking plays a large part in problem solving from the early years. People who are good at visualising also tend to be good at solving mathematical problems. This session will look at developing the role of spatial reasoning and problem- solving across the early and primary years, drawing on a new research-based learning trajectory.

 Short biography

Dr Sue Gifford works as an early years and primary mathematics consultant with practitioners and  official bodies. Previously a London primary teacher, then at Roehampton University, she now chairs The Early Childhood Maths Group and the Primary Expert Panel of RS ACME. She has researched early number learning and children with maths difficulties.  Publications include Making numbers and Making Fractions (funded by the Nuffield Foundation) and The power of pattern: patterning in the early years. Her current research interests include the development of spatial reasoning and the links between music and pattern.