Following the success of the Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialist Programmes, Maths Hubs, working in conjunction with the NCETM, are now seeking applications from Further...
...[Read More]Post-16
The Jurassic Maths Hub has Work Groups available for current or prospective teachers of Core Maths and A level Maths. These National Collaborative Projects both provide the opportunity for teachers from across our region to collaboratively research, trial and develop classroom pedagogy to enhance the learning experience and conceptual understanding of our post-16 students. Potential content includes: the use of technology, integrating problem-solving, mathematical modelling and the use of context.
Current Opportunities / Areas of Interest
The NCETM Professional Development Lead Programme – Apply Now
What is involved? The PD Lead Programme is designed for participants who are working with other teachers to enhance teaching and learning of maths. Participants...
...[Read More]New video celebrates ten years of the Maths Hub and why you should get involved.
To celebrate ten years of the Maths Hubs Programme, a new five-minute video has been created to showcase the best of the activity across the...
...[Read More]Secondary Subject Leader Community – Apply Now >
This project, offers focused support to secondary heads of department/subject leaders, to enable them to better understand and implement teaching for mastery approaches across their...
...[Read More]Developing Core Maths Pedagogy
Who can take part? Participants should be experienced teachers of Core Maths from schools and colleges in at least their second year of teaching Core...
...[Read More]Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Core Maths Teachers
This online programme is for teachers who are in the first two years of teaching Core Maths and are teaching a Core Maths class during...
...[Read More]Developing A Level Pedagogy
Who can take part? Participants will be established teachers of A level Maths who are looking to deepen their pedagogical understanding. They must be teaching...
...[Read More]Post-16 Professional Development and Resources
Opportunities for developing teachers and maths departments and resources to support all post-16 maths teaching. To support teachers of post-16 maths, including Core Maths, A...
...[Read More]School Development Lead Programme
Who can take part? The programme is for teachers leading change in a school or group of schools other than their own, and will benefit those...
...[Read More]