Latest News
Primary Mastery Specialists - Apply Now
There are currently hundreds of Mastery Specialists supporting colleagues in their own schools and beyond...
Secondary Mastery Specialists - Apply Now
Want to become a specialist in teaching for mastery and support your own and other schools to develop...
Post-16 GCSE and FSQ Mastery Specialists - Apply Now
Following the success of the Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialist Programmes, Maths Hubs, working...
The NCETM Professional Development Lead Programme - Apply Now
What is involved? The PD Lead Programme is designed for participants who are working with other teachers...
2024/25 TfM Secondary Sustaining Options - Apply Now >
We are still taking applications for option four, please scroll down to apply. Eligible schools in 2024/25...
Hear from a headteacher: top reasons to work with the Maths Hub or become an LLME
Benefits of getting involved as a participating school or LLME Find out about the benefits of getting...
New video celebrates ten years of the Maths Hub and why you should get involved.
To celebrate ten years of the Maths Hubs Programme, a new five-minute video has been created to showcase...
Ten Years of the Maths Hub Programme
A vision for maths teaching and learning The NCETM was set up in 2006 to improve the teaching and learning...
Teacher Encounters 24/25
This programme aims to give secondary STEM teachers an insight into the possible applications of their...
Sustained Shared Thinking - New for 2024/25
Research and Innovation: Supporting mathematical thinking through sustained shared thinking. Mathematical...
Secondary Subject Leader Community - Apply Now >
This project, offers focused support to secondary heads of department/subject leaders, to enable them...
Maths Hubs Programme Annual Report for 2023/24
The NCETM has published a new report summarising the work of Maths Hubs during the academic year 2023/24....
What makes the Effective use of Research to support Professional Development?
This Work Group is only suitable for those involved in the leadership of maths professional development....
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics - Secondary Early Career
This project is designed to support secondary early career teachers (teachers in their first two years...
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics - Secondary Non-Specialist
This project is designed to support non-specialist teachers teaching maths in a secondary school in developing...
Waiting List
Don’t be disappointed, if the Work Group or Programme you are interested in is not currently taking...