There are currently hundreds of Mastery Specialists supporting colleagues in their own schools and beyond to develop mastery approaches to maths teaching. Mastery Specialists are...
...[Read More]Leadership
The Jurassic Maths Hub runs several national leadership programmes to provide professional development for those who are leading the development of the teaching of mathematics in either their own setting or working with others in an external setting. The Hub also coordinates a Local Leaders of Mathematics Education (LLME) network which involves all the individuals who lead the Jurassic Maths Hub work groups and others in our region who guide and advise on mathematics education.
Current Opportunities / Areas of Interest
Secondary Mastery Specialists – Apply Now
Want to become a specialist in teaching for mastery and support your own and other schools to develop teaching for mastery approaches? Join the Secondary...
...[Read More]Post-16 GCSE and FSQ Mastery Specialists – Apply Now
Following the success of the Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialist Programmes, Maths Hubs, working in conjunction with the NCETM, are now seeking applications from Further...
...[Read More]The NCETM Professional Development Lead Programme – Apply Now
What is involved? The PD Lead Programme is designed for participants who are working with other teachers to enhance teaching and learning of maths. Participants...
...[Read More]PD Providers Conference 2025- For Good Reason
The Jurassic and CODE Maths Hubs are pleased to invite you to the seventh annual conference for mathematics PD providers in the southwest, this year...
...[Read More]Hear from a headteacher: top reasons to work with the Maths Hub or become an LLME
Benefits of getting involved as a participating school or LLME Find out about the benefits of getting involved in the work of your local Maths...
...[Read More]New video celebrates ten years of the Maths Hub and why you should get involved.
To celebrate ten years of the Maths Hubs Programme, a new five-minute video has been created to showcase the best of the activity across the...
...[Read More]Ten Years of the Maths Hub Programme
A vision for maths teaching and learning The NCETM was set up in 2006 to improve the teaching and learning of maths in England, and...
...[Read More]NPQ in Leading Primary Maths | Limited Scholarships | Apply Now!
SWIFT Teaching School Hubs in partnership with Leading Schools South West are inviting applications for the NPQ in Leading Primary Mathematics. Join us on the...
...[Read More]