Primary Mastery Specialists

There are currently hundreds of Mastery Specialists supporting colleagues in their own schools and beyond to develop mastery approaches to maths teaching. Mastery Specialists are classroom-based practitioners who develop expertise in mastery and lead Work Groups to support other schools and teachers locally.

What is a Mastery Specialist?

The Primary Mastery Specialist Programme is for primary teachers with a passion for maths. In the first year of the programme, three residentials – one in each term – provide an opportunity to develop understanding the Five Big Ideas of teaching for mastery in depth and to focus on the specialist subject knowledge required to design lessons that unfold the maths for all children. 

Between residentials, as a classroom teacher, specialists will be able to apply their learning to the context of their own classroom and school, reflecting with others what the impact of learning has been on pupils.

Participants should be experienced primary practitioners with the capacity to lead change in their own schools, and to develop as leaders of professional development in other schools. They must be working in a school in England. Their headteachers commit to supporting them and to developing teaching for mastery in their schools.

Want to know more?

  • Listen to a Mastery Specialist discuss her work in this podcast.
  • Read more about Work Groups.
  • Watch this short video below. Whilst having been made in 2017 it clearly explains more about Mastery Specialists, how they are trained and what their role involves. 

The application window for the 2024/25 Primary Mastery Specialists is now closed. Please add you details to our waiting list if you would like to be sent information once the 25/26 recruitment window opens.