What makes the Effective use of Research to support Professional Development?

This Work Group is only suitable for those involved in the leadership of maths professional development.



The appropriate use of research to inform practice is fundamental to the entire Maths Hub programme. 

LLME engagement with our Researcher in Residence, has highlighted that this is a complex area that requires further, targeted investigation. Access to research comes in many forms and we feel it is important for all leaders of professional development to better understand how this can inform their practice.

Over the last two years, participants in this Work Group have developed and refined strategies to encourage the critical engagement with research by teachers. This year, we plan to build upon this work by trialling these strategies, reflecting upon their effectiveness, and collating a library of exemplar combinations for use by LLME

What is involved?

Using their own Work Groups / programmes as case-studies, participants will reflect upon the impact of employing particular strategies with their participant teachers.
During workshops, participants will investigate the best use of a variety of sources of research (research papers, books, articles, blogs and videos) and build a library of suggested sources and mechanisms to encourage a ‘committed’ engagement by teachers.

Workshop Details – 

Twilight 1 Thursday 5th December 2024 – 16:00-17:30 online
Twilight 2 Tuesday 21st January 2025 – 16:00-17:30 online
Twilight 3 Tuesday 4th March 2025 – 16:00-17:30 online
Twilight 4 Wednesday 23rd April 2025 – 16:00-17:30 online
Plenary     Wednesday 7th May 2025 – 10:00-14:00 face to face (location tbc, near Exeter)

This Programme is fully funded by the Maths Hub and so is FREE to participating state schools.  Please note this Work Group is only suitable for those involved in the leadership of maths professional development.