Want to become a specialist in teaching for mastery and support your own and other schools to develop teaching for mastery approaches? Join the Secondary...
...[Read More]Secondary
The Jurassic Maths Hub offer for secondary schools fall into three styles of programme:
- Collaborative Work Groups: Year 5-8 Continuity (cross-phase) and Research and Innovation. These provide the opportunity for like-minded teachers from across our region to collaboratively research, trial and develop strategies to enhance the effectiveness of mathematics teaching. The Work Groups are all under-pinned by the principles of Teaching for Mastery.
- Teaching for Mastery Programme: Advocate teachers work closely with our Teaching for Mastery Specialists in a bespoke programme to develop the principles and strategies associated with Teaching for Mastery. This programme has three phases: Developing, to develop the teachers; Embedding, to embed the learnings throughout the department; Sustaining, to maintain the impact in collaboration with other participant schools.
- SKTM: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics. Three secondary programmes are available to develop participants’ understanding of the content and associated pedagogy. One programme is aimed at early careers teachers (NQT and NQT+1), another at non-specialists (teachers of maths who gained QTS in a subject other than maths, and our newest Work Group aimed at Teaching Assistants. We also run a Core Maths SKTM, please see the Post 16 section of our website for more information.
Current Opportunities / Areas of Interest
The NCETM Professional Development Lead Programme – Apply Now
What is involved? The PD Lead Programme is designed for participants who are working with other teachers to enhance teaching and learning of maths. Participants...
...[Read More]Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Development – Apply Now >
Heard about teaching for mastery? Interested in high quality professional development funded by the Maths Hub? Waiting List > The aim of this programme is...
...[Read More]2024/25 TfM Secondary Sustaining Options – Apply Now >
We are still taking applications for option four, please scroll down to apply. Eligible schools in 2024/25 will have a choice from four Work Group options...
...[Read More]New video celebrates ten years of the Maths Hub and why you should get involved.
To celebrate ten years of the Maths Hubs Programme, a new five-minute video has been created to showcase the best of the activity across the...
...[Read More]Teacher Encounters 24/25
This programme aims to give secondary STEM teachers an insight into the possible applications of their curricula in the workplace. Register your general interest below...
...[Read More]Secondary Subject Leader Community – Apply Now >
This project, offers focused support to secondary heads of department/subject leaders, to enable them to better understand and implement teaching for mastery approaches across their...
...[Read More]Securing Foundations at Year 7
This project is for teachers working with those Year 7 students who have not met age related expectations in maths, particularly students whose attainment is...
...[Read More]Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics – Secondary Teaching Assistants
This programme is for secondary school teaching assistants who work predominantly with students in the KS3 classroom or who lead intervention with a group of...
...[Read More]