
The Jurassic Maths Hub offer for secondary schools fall into three styles of programme:

  • Collaborative Work Groups: Year 5-8 Continuity (cross-phase) and Research and Innovation. These provide the opportunity for like-minded teachers from across our region to collaboratively research, trial and develop strategies to enhance the effectiveness of mathematics teaching. The Work Groups are all under-pinned by the principles of Teaching for Mastery.
  • Teaching for Mastery Programme: Advocate teachers work closely with our Teaching for Mastery Specialists in a bespoke programme to develop the principles and strategies associated with Teaching for Mastery. This programme has three phases: Developing, to develop the teachers; Embedding, to embed the learnings throughout the department; Sustaining, to maintain the impact in collaboration with other participant schools.
  • SKTM: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics. Three secondary programmes are available to develop participants’ understanding of the content and associated pedagogy. One programme is aimed at early careers teachers (NQT and NQT+1),  another at non-specialists (teachers of maths who gained QTS in a subject other than maths, and our newest Work Group aimed at Teaching Assistants.  We also run a Core Maths SKTM, please see the Post 16 section of our website for more information.

Current Opportunities / Areas of Interest

Years 5-8 Continuity

A project to strengthen the transition from primary to secondary school Work Groups in this project aim to strengthen the transition from primary to secondary...

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To view the latest Secondary Support, interactive PDF please click on the image below: