Years 5-8 Continuity

A project to strengthen the transition from primary to secondary school

Work Groups in this project aim to strengthen the transition from primary to secondary school by focusing on curriculum and pedagogical continuity over Years 5 to 8.

Central to the Work Group is the promotion of cross phase communication between teachers to address issues of maths knowledge and learning transition as distinct from pastoral considerations. Whilst many Work Groups will focus on using multiplicative reasoning resources, Work Groups can explore any aspect of the KS2/3 curriculum.

Who can take part?

Participants should be teachers of Years 5 to 8 in primary, secondary, middle school and all-through schools who have some responsibility for curriculum development, e.g. primary school maths leads/secondary heads of department.

Linked ‘families’ of schools are encouraged to take part: ideally teachers from two (or more) secondary schools and some of their associated primary schools will work together.

What is involved?

There will be face-to-face (or online) Work Group meetings with school-based tasks for participants to complete and reflect upon between each meeting.

A lesson study approach is encouraged where all participants focus on a particular aspect of the maths curriculum and work collaboratively to develop this in their schools. Cross-phase classroom observation and discussion of practice is encouraged wherever possible. Participants are expected to consider ways to develop the approaches explored during the project with other staff in their schools.

What will you learn?

Participants and their schools will:

  • deepen knowledge and understanding of the curriculum across KS2 and KS3 and the expectations of pupils at the end of each key stage
  • understand the approaches which will support pupils as they move from KS2 to KS3, including the importance of consistency of language and representations
  • make use of common approaches, representations and language across phases
  • develop collaboration between primary and secondary colleagues on issues of curriculum and pedagogy, making them part of the school’s transition practice (and policy). 

What is the cost?

The Years 5-8 Continuity project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme (DofE) so is free to participating schools.