Primary and Early Years

The Jurassic Maths Hub runs Primary and Early Years Work Groups which include national Teaching for Mastery programmes, Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (SKTM) programmes and Research and Innovation projects.  All Work Groups are intended to provide high quality professional development opportunities developing teachers as researchers of classroom practice. The focus is on giving all pupils access to equitable classrooms; classrooms where pupils can all participate and be influential, and classrooms where pupils are encouraged and supported to develop a deep, connected and sustained understanding of the mathematics being explored. This reflects the Jurassic Maths Hub approach to Teaching for Mastery. 

Current Opportunities / Areas of Interest

Mastering Number at KS2

To be eligible to take part in the Mastering Number at KS2 schools must fulfil a three stage eligibility criteria: 1) Schools must have completed...

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Jurassic Maths Hub Primary and Early Years Programmes 2024/25

Please open the PDF of this table to enable you to click on all the individual programme links (for more information and a chance to apply). Or find the programme you are interested at the top of this page and click on their individual tiles. 

Please open the PDF of this table to enable you to click on all the individual programme links (for more information and a chance to apply). Or find the programme you are interested at the top of this page and click on their individual tiles.