Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics – Early Years and Special School Teachers – Apply Now >

This project is for Early Years teachers (and special school teachers) who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths to Reception pupils. It may be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or have not received maths-specific training.

This programme is designed to improve the subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge for all practitioners teaching and supporting the learning of early maths.

What is involved?

The model for this programme is four PD
days with in-school work between these
days plus a short introductory session.
Schools are encouraged to engage two
participants in a group, where possible,
to maximise learning and impact. The
programme will run online to allow
access across the hub region.
Participants will be supported to:
• Review and enhance opportunities
to promote mathematical learning
across the provision.
• Make carefully considered changes
to their practice
• Observe and analyse the impact of
these changes on learners (in
particular, focus children)
• Reflect on the implications
• Share thinking and findings


What are the benefits?

Participants will:
✓ Develop small-scale action research in
their learning environments
✓ Develop enhanced maths subject
knowledge with a particular emphasis
on developmental progression in the
Early Years to ensure sequences of
learning are cohesive
✓ Consider learning opportunities and
pedagogical approaches across the
wider provision
✓ Understand key elements of pattern,
shape, space and measures.
✓ Review their practice as a result of the
sessions and make carefully
considered changes to practice to have
an impact on pupil outcomes.

The Wider Context

Pattern, Shape, Space and Measures are crucial, yet often underrepresented aspects
of Early Years mathematics that have been shown to a significant impact on
understanding of number. This programme will consider what is effective in the learning and teaching of these areas of mathematics, with a focus on:
• Developmental progression of these concepts in EY mathematics.
• What research tells us is effective in the learning and teaching of younger       children.
• Pedagogical approaches and how they impact on learning and teaching.

What will you learn?

  • Your pupils will demonstrate a positive attitude towards maths, being willing to have a go, persevere, and share their mathematical ideas
  • You will explore and increase your use of a range of pedagogic approaches that will support pupils in engaging with and developing their maths
  • You will understand how maths opportunities can be developed across all areas and in everyday routines

Expectations of participants and their schools

Schools must be able to commit to the full programme. This involves a total of one short introductory session and four full days as well as learning environment and school based activity. Participants will be involved in small scale action research in their learning environments and engage with professional reading. They should also be supported by their school leadership to explore outcomes from the project with other colleagues in their school. Head teachers and subject leaders are invited to a presentation session on the final day where participants will share the impact of their work and learning in the group.

What is the cost?

The SKTM Early Years Programme project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating state schools.  

Session times for 2025 include:       

  • Launch: Wednesday 8th January  15:30 – 16:30 
  • Day 1: Monday 27th January 09:00 -15.30 
  • Day 2: Monday 10th March 09:00 -15.30 
  • Day 3: Thursday 24th April 09:00 -15.30
  • Day 4: Wednesday 21st May09:00 -15.30