Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics – Primary and Special School Teachers – Apply Now >

This online programme is designed to support primary teachers (and special school teachers) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom.  The focus this year is on Number Pathway.

Who can take part?

This programme is designed for teachers who would like to further develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. They are particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training. 

What is involved?

The model for this programme is four PD days with in-school work between these days plus a short introductory session. Schools are encouraged to engage at least two participants in a group, where possible, in order to maximise learning and impact. The plan is for the programme to run fully online to allow access across the hub region; (if applicants are in the same area we may look to move to face to face).

What will you learn?

Participants will be supported to:

  • Make careful considered changes to her practice.
  • Observe and analyse the impact of these changes on learners (in particular, focus learners)
  • reflect on the implications.
  • Share thinking and findings.

This programme will consider what is effective in the learning and teaching of
mathematics, with a focus on relational understanding, specifically:

  • Number.
  • Additive relationships.
  • Multiplicative relationships.
  • Proportional relationships.
What is the cost?

The SKTM Primary Teachers Programme project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating state schools.