This project is designed to support primary (and special schools) teaching assistants in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom.

Who can take part?
This programme is designed for primary teaching assistants who are supporting maths, and who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. It will be particularly relevant for new TAs or TAs that have not received maths-specific training.
What is involved?
The programme will focus on what is effective in the learning and teaching of mathematics and will include;
- Number sense
- Place Value
- Additive Reasoning
- Multiplicative Reasoning
This Work Group will be offered in 4 locations (face to face ) across the region and one online programme making it accessible to everyone. Schools are encouraged to engage at least two participants in a group, where possible, in order to maximise learning and impact.
What will you learn?
Participants will:
- review their practice as a result of the sessions and make specific adaptations to support the pupils they are working with
- understand key elements of mathematics and how understanding can be supported, including attending to precise language, structures and representations.
What is the cost?
The SKTM Primary Teaching Assistants Programme project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating state schools.
The online Work Group and the Face to Face Work Group at St Katharine’s CofE School Bournemouth, The Castle School Tiverton and The Thomas Hardye School Dorchester have now reached capacity and you can no longer apply to join these Groups.