Early Years and Key Stage 1
Starting with a problem can provide all children (regardless of age or experience) the chance to notice, use what they know, and wonder, provoking ‘a sense of curiosity’ (National Curriculum p.3). This session will explore four different ways of starting that have proved accessible to all and that provide rich opportunities for building mathematical understanding. Be prepared to be creative!

Dr Ruth Trundley- Primary Maths Hub Lead

Catherine Gee – Maths Hub Mastery Specialist and Work Group Lead
Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3
In this session we will be thinking about how children learn through problem solving in Key Stages 2 and 3, and trying this out with some problems to have a go at. What do children learn as they solve problems, and how can we plan for that? Where can we find problems that support this?

Kate Eames – Primary Assistant Maths Hub Lead

Stephanie Schoemaker – Mastery Specialist and Work Group Lead
Key Stage 4 and Post-16
Using examples from KS4 and KS5, we will explore how giving pupils the opportunity to problem-solve may be a springboard for developing pupils’ conceptual understanding, whilst promoting a culture for active mathematical thinking.

Phil Eadie – Secondary Maths Hub Lead