Level 3

Developing Core Maths Pedagogy

Who can take part? Participants should be experienced teachers of Core Maths from schools and colleges in at least their second year of teaching Core Maths. Where appropriate, participants will be expected to work with colleagues in their own department. (Inexperienced Core Maths Teachers should visit our SKTM Core Maths Offer: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching […]

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Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Core Maths Teachers

This online programme is for teachers who are in the first two years of teaching Core Maths and are teaching a Core Maths class during the academic year 2024/25. New to Teaching Core Maths. The purpose of this programme is to support teachers who are new to teaching Core Maths in developing specialist knowledge for

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Developing A Level Pedagogy

Who can take part? Participants will be established teachers of A level Maths who are looking to deepen their pedagogical understanding. They must be teaching a current A level Maths group.  This Work Group would be particularly useful for those who may have already completed other A level subject knowledge and pedagogy CPD. What is

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Post-16 Professional Development and Resources

Opportunities for developing teachers and maths departments and resources to support all post-16 maths teaching. To support teachers of post-16 maths, including Core Maths, A level Maths and A level Further Maths, the NCETM and Maths Hubs work in partnership with the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). For 2023/24, there are opportunities in three professional

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Secondary Subject Leader Community – Apply Now >

This project, now in its second year, offers focused support to secondary heads of department/subject leaders, to enable them to better understand and implement teaching for mastery approaches across their department, and to develop in their role as leaders of both student learning and teacher professional development. It provides an opportunity for participants to deepen

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Post-16 GCSE and FSQ Mastery Specialists

Following the success of the Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialist Programmes, Maths Hubs, working in conjunction with the NCETM, are now seeking applications from Further Education establishments that wish to nominate ‘lead teachers’ to take part in an important two-year professional development programme leading to the designation of Further Education Mastery Specialist. The programme is aimed

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The NCETM Professional Development Lead Programme

What is involved? The PD Lead Programme is designed for participants who are working with other teachers to enhance teaching and learning of maths. Participants benefit from the equivalent of three one-day workshops (face-to-face and online). The completion of an Accreditation Evidence Document, which facilitates critical reflection on participants’ learning and the professional development they

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Secondary Maths MAT Leads Programme

This project offers focused support to those who lead mathematics across multiple schools within a MAT, to enable them to better understand and develop effective maths pedagogy approaches across those schools. It will also support participants to develop their role as a leader of system change, curriculum change, and teacher professional development. Whilst those who

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