The first breakout session of the day contains workshops that are being co-lead by specialists from different phases. Workshops in these breakout sessions focus on elements of Teaching for Mastery, central to the work of maths hubs, and how they can contribute to equitable classrooms. The sessions are intended to give delegates a taster of how Teaching for Mastery is explored within Work Groups through the Jurassic Maths Hub.

Delegates are asked to choose, when booking, which of these workshops they would like to attend:
Representation and Manipulatives
The use of representation is one of the five big ideas associated with teaching for mastery. Representation can support the equitable access to mathematical structure and also provide a mechanism for illustrating links between different areas of the curriculum. In this workshop we shall explore the use of bar-modelling to support conceptual understanding, using some key examples from early years to key stage four.
Variation is one of the five big ideas of teaching for mastery and internationally there has been a lot of interest in and research focussed on variation in the past twenty years. This practical workshop will explore understanding of conceptual and procedural variation and how using variation can support equitable classrooms.
Fluency is one of the five big ideas of teaching for mastery and this session will explore not only what fluency is but also some of the common misconceptions around the subject, as well as how fluency can be use to support equitable classrooms that both challenge and support learners.