‘Equitable Classrooms’
It is a pleasure to once again host our annual Jurassic Maths Hub Conference. This year’s Conference is titled ‘Equitable Classrooms’ and focuses on how we can create classrooms where pupils can all participate, be influential, and are encouraged and supported to develop a deep sustained understanding of the mathematics being explored. The Key Note speech by Anne Watson will look at key ideas in this theme.

The 2023 conference will take place in March. Due to the Hub’s wide geographical spread and to enable more people to attend we are running the same day in two locations. The first on Wednesday the 29th of March at Merley House in Wimborne, Dorset and the second on Thursday the 30th of March at the Hartnoll Hotel in Tiverton, Devon.
- 9.00 am Arrive (tea and coffee on arrival)
- 9.30 am Welcome by Neil Vincent, Senior Jurassic Maths Hub Lead
- 9.35 am Guest Speaker: Anne Watson
- 11.00 am Break
- 11.20 am Breakout Session 1 (Teaching for Mastery)
- 12.20 pm Movement time and comfort break
- 12.30 pm Breakout Session 2 (Oracy across the phases)
- 1.30 pm Lunch
- 2.25 pm Jurassic Maths Hub Session – Led by Ruth Trundley and Phil Eadie
- 3.20pm Finish
Equitable Classrooms that recognise Similarity and Difference – Anne Watson

Anne will talk about what equity might mean in mathematics classrooms, given her fundamental drive for social justice and individual empowerment through education. Why does the subject she loves get used so often to classify and segregate when, as people, we are more alike than we are different?
Anne Watson – Biography
Emeritus Professor Anne Watson has two mathematics degrees and taught mathematics in challenging schools before undertaking teacher education and mathematics education research at the University of Oxford, where she had gained a doctorate that addressed informal mathematics assessment. She advised on the mathematics national curriculum in England and also in Wales. She works with educators and researchers worldwide on mathematics curriculum, task design and pedagogy. She has written and edited numerous books, articles and research papers including ‘Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics’ with Keith Jones and Dave Pratt (Oxford University Press), ‘Key Understandings in Mathematics’ with Terezinha Nunes and Peter Bryant (Nuffield Foundation) and ‘Care in Mathematics Education’ (Palgrave Macmillan).
Breakout Sessions:
For the first breakout session delegates can choose from three Workshops that explore how aspects of Teaching for Mastery (TfM) support equitable classrooms. These include Representation & Manipulatives, Variation and Fluency.
The second breakout session examines the role of Oracy in creating equitable classrooms across the phases. Delegates will be asked to select the phase that best suits them: Early Years / Primary / Secondary.
Please bring a fully charged laptop (not tablet or smartphone) to use during these sessions.
The Conference is £85 and will include lunch and refreshments.
Please select the venue you would like to attend and book your place. Please note places are allocated on a first come first served basis and should you choose to change venues at a later date this may not be possible.