Dr Helen Williams and Dr Ruth Trundley have recorded a video in which they explore some key aspects of early learning in a way that might be used as a staff meeting. This involves maths teaching to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes, and handles important topics for early maths understanding such as subitising, cardinality and composition.

The session starts with observing some reception children playing. It was originally recorded to be used as a staff meeting but could be used for self-study and is relevant to all in maths education.
The recording lasts 40 minutes and asks you to pause in several places to allow staff to engage in activity. This includes: reading journal articles, sharing mathematical thinking and discussing observations. Depending on the size of your staff you might want to organise threes or fours for discussion and then take feedback or discuss as a whole group. One of the benefits of this being a recording is that you can watch any part of it for a second time; this might be useful in response to ideas and questions emerging from the discussion. The time for activity and discussion is important and we suggest allowing between 75 and 90 minutes when using it for a staff meeting.
The journal articles Double Impact: Mathematics and Executive Function – National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (nctm.org) and Automatic recall and executive function should be available for reading during, or prior to, the staff meeting. The references listed during and at the end of the meeting slides are included on the downloadable references document.
We hope this recording will provide all viewers with an understanding of the importance of the mathematical ideas included.
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