The first breakout session of the day contains workshops (where appropriate) that are being co-lead by specialists from different phases. Workshops in this breakout session are intended to give the delegate a taster of what it’s like to attend a Work Group through the Jurassic Maths Hub. In the workshop participants will be asked to take part in something that mirrors what they would be doing if they were to join that particular programme.
Delegates are asked to choose, when booking, which of these workshops they would like to attend:
Teaching for Mastery (TfM)
This session will explore the Teaching for Mastery 5 big ideas within the context of a lesson. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a teacher research group style discussion, focusing on how these ideas translate to classroom practice and build an effective teaching pedagogy across the key stages.
Special Knowledge for the Teaching of Mathematics (SKTM)
This session will allow participants to see the progression in one area of maths from Early Years through to KS3. Participants will have opportunities to work on the maths in this session and consider some of the barriers and misconceptions children may have and some of the key considerations that need to be made when teaching this. They will examine an area of the curriculum which spans from cardinality, through to unitising and multiplicative reasoning in KS3. Participants will get a feel for some of the materials used in the programme and the type of activity that a session involves.
Mastering Number
This work group uses nationally published materials to support the systematic development of children’s early number sense, the materials are currently being used in EYFS, Y1 and Y2. In this session participants will experience a Mastering Number session (as it is taught to the children) and will have the opportunity to participate in discussions with colleagues about the pedagogical approaches used in the programme to develop children’s mathematical understanding.