Mastering Number – Embedding the Impact

This community is open to all 2023/24 Mastering Number at Reception and KS1 schools and Mastering Number at Reception and KS1 schools from previous cohorts that have not yet participated in this community.  All participating schools also need to be engaged in one of our 2024/25 Teaching for Mastery Work Group. (Links for all the application forms for the TfM Work Groups can be found at the bottom of this page).

The Subject Lead Teacher will receive support to make Mastering Number a permanent element of the school curriculum. This teacher will work collaboratively in an online community and take part in any workshops offered by the hub. They will continue to explore the materials for Reception and KS1, and support colleagues in these year groups to embed Mastering Number in their classes. They will also support the Year 3 teacher to use the teaching materials provided for KS2 pupils.

The Year 3 teacher/s will be expected to use the teaching materials provided in their class(es), as part of a 10-15 minute fluency session, four days a week; this is in addition to the main maths lesson. They will work closely with the maths lead to ensure that all pupils meet the relevant ready-to-progress criteria related to fluency in additive facts.

What will you learn?  

Pupils will:
  • develop fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number that exemplifies good number sense
  • be able to communicate their mathematical ideas clearly
  • show confidence in exploring additive relationships
  • make good progress towards the Early Learning Goals and year group expectations
  • demonstrate a positive attitude towards maths
  • demonstrate a willingness to ‘have a go’.
You Will: 
  • You will work with colleagues either in school or in a local school to better understand how the Mastering Number resources can enhance teaching
  • You and your school leaders will build on the learning of the first year of involvement to embed and sustain the practice in future years
  • develop a secure understanding of how to build firm mathematical foundations with a stronger subject and pedagogical understanding for EYFS and KS1
  •  Secure an understanding of the mathematical expectations of the new Early Years Framework and the meaning of the Early Learning Goals.

What is the cost?

The Mastering Number – Embedding the Impact community is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

We are no longer accepting applications for this Work Group.  Please add your details to our waiting list to be sent further information when recruitment for 25/26 begins. 

Teaching for Mastery 

To be eligible to join our Mastering Number Embedding the Impact Work Group schools need to be part of our Teaching for Mastery Programme.  (NB. Embedding the Impact does not require the same time commitment as Mastering Number).

For more information on the Teaching for Mastery Programme please use this link: Teaching for Mastery – Jurassic Maths Hub

To apply for one of the stages of TfM please click on the appropriate link below:

If you are unsure of which stage you should apply for please contact

Mastering Number at KS2

To take part in Mastering Number at KS2 applicants will be required to have:

  • completed the Mastering Number at Reception and KS1 Programme
  • either completed the Embedding the Impact Programme or be in an Embedding the Impact Work Group at the same time as working as the KS2 Programme.
  • be in a TfM Sustaining Work Group 
More information on the Mastering Number at KS2 Programme can be found HERE