Hear from a headteacher: top reasons to work with the Maths Hub or become an LLME

Benefits of getting involved as a participating school or LLME

Find out about the benefits of getting involved in the work of your local Maths Hub as a participating school, but also what the impact is of having some of your staff become Local Leaders of Maths Education (LLME).

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion:

  • Sarah Smith, Headteacher Advocate and Executive Headteacher at St Cuthbert’s Catholic Academy and Christ the King Catholic Academy in Blackpool
  • Gabriella May, Primary Mastery Specialist, LLME, head of maths, and teacher at St Cuthbert’s Catholic Academy in Blackpool
  • Rebecca Longworth, Communications Manager at the NCETM.

Episode chapters

  • 00.07 – Introduction
  • 02.40 – The school’s mastery journey and the benefit to pupils
  • 06.38 – Hosting Mastering Number showcase sessions
  • 09.02 – The impact on your school when a teacher becomes an LLME
  • 12.12 – What an LLME does and how you can balance the commitment with your classroom teaching role
  • 17.16 – The benefit to your school in having an LLME
  • 20.00 – Advice for schools and teachers

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